Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life is Great

Life is good if you know to see the imperction in a perfect way and you know to enjoy it... eventhough the enjoyment is only last you for a few hours. ENJOY IT!!! ENJOY EVERY LITTLE SINGLE MOMENT OF IT!!!

Having a short period of sun tanning at Park Royal hotel right now after kindergarten job. Enjoy being pamper by the wind and sea wave. Suddenly I feel that, life is really great! And I'm the lucky one right now in this moment because I can feel the greatness of it.

Chatted with a schoolmate not long ago and I just know that she is busying with her two cute kids in her life. And she said my life that I posted in Facebook seems pretty good. Sounds like she miss the time before marriage.

I told her, everyone has their life. I wouldn't compare myself to the others. And I believe, no matter you are single or married, poor or rich... you can still find the enjoyment in your life. In fact, people will only like to capture the happiness moment and share it in Facebook. Nobody knows while you are in bad time unless you tell.

But to me, I'm learning to see everything positively. And you will realise.... being happy is just that simple. Cheers!
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