Tuesday, February 8, 2011

North to South Trip@ "REUNION DINNER"

My family photo

Grandma and me

While every time I look at my dad and my grandma, I'm wondering there's still got how many year that I can spend my time with them together. The more I grow up, the lesser time i spend with them. We can't manage to see each other so that often since I start my new life in Penang after graduated. With my busy and tight schedule of working, guess I only visit them not more than 3 times a year. I feel so sorry to them while I'm writing this blog and it reminds me how I put myself at the most important place instead of them.

I skipped the Chinese New Year Reunion dinner of last year. Meanwhiles, my grandma never see her beloved granddaughter for 2 years. I just realize myself didn't even make her a call to send her my regards neither to let her know how's my life in Penang. I feel shame to myself as I'm such a useless granddaughter to her.

Finally, me and sister visited my grandma and attended the reunion dinner this year.

First thing that my grandma said to us when she saw us is, 'I can't believe you both come and visit me... I feel so happy to see you both again. I miss you both a lots...'

And I was speechless at that moment. Sorry grandma... I'm really sorry about it... I can't even find any excuse for myself to comfort her that why I never do my part well of being a granddaughter and visit her, not even once...

But now I know and understand... I will never let it happened again...

It doesn't need to wait until Chinese New Year then we only can fix our time out to meet our family. Reunion dinner is just a word without meaning to me if you never take your family important in your life. They raise you up since you are a baby who doesn't know to speak or walk. Without them, you are not gonna to have the chance to enjoy your life like now! It's never too late to start showing your caring to your family... and I'm now start planning the next trip back to Ipoh to visit my grandma and my dad! =)


My grandma homemade dishes... well... she is not that good in cooking but I still like her food...

Traditional homemade HAINAN chili sauce

'Lou Sang' is a MUST during CNY

This is my beloved grandpa... he passed away before I born so I don't really know how he looks like...

Recalled the nice memories with my sis in this old house... The history of this house has more than 30 years....

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