To love myself is the beginning of a life-long romance. It’s such a good feeling when I start learning to “fall in love” with myself and I wanna tell you all… Self-love is the greatest of all flatterers. =)

Love and Desire are two different things.
Desire says,"I do not love myself so I must have this."
Desire comes from lacking something.
While love says-"I love myself and want to share that love with others."
When I don’t love myself, I’m basically telling the Universe that I’m unworthy or undeserving of any love. So, I decide to plant my own garden and decorate my own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring me flowers. I’m learning to love myself starts with making a conscious decision, an intention to become happy and lead a fulfilled life.
I DON'T LOVE MYSELF, I'M CRAZY ABOUT MYSELF. The way I treat myself sets the standard for others. I had spent so much time on loving someone but not myself… It sounds so ridiculous… I should love myself instead of abusing myself.
So, I start doing whatever I love to do, because I love myself! I start injecting some fun into my life. Life is meant to be an enjoyable. I don’t want to take life or myself too seriously. If I can think of life in this manner, I will automatically relax and quit worrying over things that do not matter.
I learn to fall in love with myself…
I learn to be kind and think positive all the time…
I learn to trust myself and be truthful to myself….
I learn to boost my self-confidence….
I learn to bring my dreams to my life…
I learn to see beauty in everything….
I learn to have fun and relax…
And I learn to enjoy my life…
My brain and my heart are telling me the same things nowadays, if I still don’t loving myself more… few years from now I will be more disappointed and regret by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
"It's not your job to like me - it's mine"
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