Sunday, October 24, 2010

After 85 Days…

Seems like time goes by so fast, I have been in my single life for 85 days and good to see myself still alive and I had survived. =p “When you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It's like death. Dennis Quaid” Haha…. Sounds so serious huh? But it’s kinda true. It’s tough to me. But I think I had learnt a lot of things for the past 2 months plus. I know I fell seriously this time, but I’m getting up right now!

Every night, before I sleep, I look outside from my window, and tell myself, “Life is still going on without anyone... Tomorrow is gonna be alright!”

Every morning, after waking up, I look at the sky and tell myself again, “It’s a new beginning of the day, everything is gonna be alright!”

Repeat and repeat…. Everyday…

Nothing is killing me, except the memories. I feel so sorry to say that I’m still feel sad actually. But I don’t want to force myself to forget anything that had happened to me. This is part of the story of my life. I know it sounds ridiculous, but my friend did tell me once, “When you feel sad or pain, just enjoy the feelings, because it’s part of the journey in your life”. Well, I’m enjoying the feeling of pain san sad right now. No pain, No gain. =) and I gain a lot… The harder times that I had gone through, I know it makes me a much stronger person.

Sometimes, I do still feel emo and drop my tears when the sad memories cross my mind. And I just realize. There’s still a scar inside me. It’s a deep scar to me. I got a feeling… This is going to take me a long time to heal myself… But it’s doesn’t matter! I believe there’s a day, the day when I can finally find my happiness and I know that sadness will definitely flies away on the wings of time. Time will heals me.
the current me ^^

I enjoy being who am I nowadays… Just like that will do… Live my own life without inflence by anyone, do my own thing without anyone. My life is all about me. =) It’s a new chapter of my life. And I know this is going to be the best chapter that I ever had…

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