Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sun, Sea, Sand

It's a beautiful Tuesday...
A friend of mine dated me out to the beach which is behind the Flamingo hotel to...

I wish to tan my skin into darker skin tone long time ago but so far none of my girl friends like to tan their fair skin except... Jocelyn ^^

Here am I having a lovely day with a lovely friend, Jocelyn plus a lovely bikini
and I prepared well going to 'roast' myself under the hot sun...

I have to make sure myself get a balance tan on my body so I decided to take off my top...
It's such a relaxing day to me~~~
Sun, Sea, Sand with cold beers...
That's one of the reason I love Penang so much...
I know myself couldn't find this kind of life in Ipoh or KL...

To be frank, this's my first time to go for sun tanning so actually I don't have any knowledge about it...
How to tan... How long does it take...
I really got no idea...
Never try, never know!
Thanks to Jocelyn for bringing me out, sponsored me beer and accompanied me to sun tan =)
Finally, I gave out my 'first time' to this beach and Jocelyn...
We spent about 5 hours on the beach and the result of sun tanning is not bad...
I do really like this feeling of laying down on the beach under the sun...
me and Jocelyn will be going to visit the beach with beers again...
and I'm now going to announce to everyone over here:

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