Monday, August 15, 2011

It's Just That You Don't Know Me Well

People say I've changed. I used to be very aggressive to chase my dreams, always the one who walk in front among my friends. To know I want and to grab what I want for myself. And now... you can say my life style is totally different compare to few years ago.

To be frank, I don't really give a shit on how 'successful' I am as long as long as my life is not that suck until I can't afford to buy a meal. All I care about is am I really enjoying my 'everyday'! Life is just once and it has no repeat. It's crazy how fast everything is going. Year after year, it seems like it gets faster and faster. I honestly don't know how much I've changed but I know I miss it when I was younger, though.

And yes! I gotta admit myself is not as aggressive as last time. But yet, I never let go my dreams before, never! I'm just taking each step of mine slowly. To enjoy the journey before I reach the destination.

Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. ~ Greg Anderson

It's always better to travel well than to arrive. We are not humans being on a spiritual journey, we are spirituals being on a human journey. I can run, walk or fly, but I just don't want lose sight of the reason for the journey or miss a chance to see rainbow on the way.

To my beloved friends, if anyone of you still wondering where the 'Old' Ong Lai Mun has gone to. I'm now telling you that I'm still the same old me. The only difference is I take thing more easily. Meanwhile, taking thing easily doesn't mean I don't have an aim in my life.

I'm proud to say it out I feel very happy of what I have right now in this moment. I live everyday meaningfully. I'm still the Ong Lai Mun who you used to know. If you feel strange, it's just that you don't know my well.

Forgetting other people's opinion about myself. I live for myself but not for the others. I understand that everyone has their different purpose of life. And I have mine, too! =)

You will never know where am I heading to until the day you see me reach the destination I wanted to go long long time ago.....

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