Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's Never Be Too Late To Start Over

I had a great drinking session plus a great chat with my friends yesterday. A great chat will definitely make you grow a lot and see things widely. No doubt, as what my friend describes about me, I had lived my life in comfort zone in Penang for the past few years. I got so much talents but I never learn to fully utilize it. Recently, I recall back those years I have spent in Penang. It's just like a dream to me. Have I really achieve something? NOTHING!!! Shouldn't use the word of wasted but I just simply let my years passed by me without any great achievement.

Never ever think of having my life in KL before however... faith brings me here... Everything seems new to me, I know there's plenty of obstacles are waiting for me to go through it before I really get what I want. But I decided to take this challenge and I believe myself that I can handle it very well. Life does bring me down sometimes, but it never kills me but just make me grow stronger. Life is up and down provide windows of opportunity to determine my values and goals, I'm going to use all obstacles as stepping stone to built the life I want.

Nowadays, I always repeat asking myself, will it be too late for me to start over in another new place? No! I shouldn't let those negative thinking beats me down. One of the biggest mistakes I can make is to believe I'm too old. Too old for what? For living my life more fully? For daring to “be what you might have been”?

I don’t want to wake up one day in the future wondering what might have been if I had pursued my interest where it led. It’s important to learn how to follow the promptings of your heart, to listen to your heart’s wisdom. When your heart tells you it’s time to change, see it as a call and an opportunity to live your life more authentically. I wish it’s never too late to start over.

When you know what you want, you’re already halfway there. 25 years is not considered young but it's not old to a girl like me to start over and rebuild a life that what I want. What I need to do is... I have to believe myself I can do it!

My favorite quote of today : IT IS NEVER BE TOO LATE TO BE WHO YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN ~ George Eliot.

Chances are always given out for those who has prepared well! And I has prepared and ready for my new goal of life! :-)
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1 comment:

  1. I'm sure u will do well!It's never too late to change your life matter how old u are..always remember this.."Never live with regrets.If it's good,it's wonderful.If it's bad,it's an experience."
