Friday, July 6, 2012

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Happy Smiles of My Family

My family is all I have in hard times. Although life and destiny has separate us apart into different places but there's something called love to hold us together.

It's been ages that my mom and grandma never been to Penang to visit me. I'm glad that finally they able to make it last week. Everyone temporarily let go their work and what we do is just to have fun together. To search good food around the island, to enjoy the precious moment with each other. There's nothing but only laughters and happiness when each time we spend time together.

Brought my mom and grandma to Straits Quay with my sis for a high tea.

My mom's smile is irreplaceable to me.

Grandma was having her good time in Penang.

Smiles from my sis <3

When things go wrong in life, just look around you to see who are always there for you and you will see that among everyone else your parents are always there. Family is members that love you and care for you, no matter what choices you make in your life even if they don't agree with the choices, they will always stand by you.

I love my family. Without them, there's no me. =)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why Do You Judge Me?

You have not walked in my shoes

You have not been down my road.

You have not cried my tears.

You have not carried my load.

Why do you judge me?

You think you know my story.

You think you know my pain.

You think you know my future.

You don’t even know my name.

Why do you judge me?

You were not there to see me stumble.

You were not there to see me fall.

You were not there to pick me up.

You were not there at all.

Why do you judge me?

Copyright April 2010. All rights reserved by Sam Bristow

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Finding Pleasure In Simple's Thing

These past few years, there's been a large movement towards simplicity. People are finding that less equals more in regards to time and happiness. The same is true for pleasure – the simple things are often the most pleasurable and bring about the most joy.

Many of my favorite simple pleasures don't cost a thing – like hiking in the woods or settling into a tub of hot bath water and bubbles by candlelight or sitting out on the deck with my Kindle in one hand and a glass of water with a thick lemon wedge in the other or browsing through my local bookstore.

What are you favorite simple pleasures? Do you enjoy sleeping in on a cloudy Saturday morning? Or maybe you enjoy cuddling with your favorite furry pet.

Now that you you have your simple pleasure juices flowing, make a list of your favorites. Now go to your calendar and schedule a few into you day. Try adding a few simple pleasures into one day. Sprinkling these simple pleasures throughout the day reminds you to invite pleasure into your day – regardless of how busy it is or whether or not it's not going so well for you at the moment.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Audrey Hepburn, The Forever Legend

I had just draw a picture which is inspired by Audrey Hepburn in the movie of Breakfast at Tiffany's.

When people hear the name Audrey Hepburn, the words beauty, style and grace come to mind. Others know her as cute and flirty characters from movies such as Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Sabrina. However, Audrey’s life amounted to more than just a big screen entertainer or fashion leader. She was a dignified, compassionate and selfless woman who was beautiful beyond the physical sense. Long before Oprah, Madonna or Angelina and Brad, she helped children in Africa and Latin-America. Audrey Hepburn remains a beloved icon with proven success as an actress, dancer, singer, speaker and UNICEF’s most famous Ambassador. She lived her life by the philosophy of serving others. As she once said, “Remember; if you ever need a helping hand, it’s at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others” (Bourgoin). Audrey Hepburn dedicated herself to aiding those in need while living a remarkable life as a true humanitarian and an inspiration to people around the world.

She won many awards for her works including an Academy Award and Golden Globe for Roman Holiday, a Tony Award for her performance in Ondine, a Theater World Award for her work on Broadway in the play, Gigi, amongst many other honors. During these times, she became an idol of many young girls and women who admired her unique, elegant style. The public truly adored her talent, beauty and glamour. Audrey was proud of her accomplishments; however, she felt that she needed to do more with her life.

Hepburn knew she could use her fame to help others. The press constantly asked the movie star for interviews and to give her opinions on a variety of topics. She became well-known for her wisdom and for having a positive outlook. Audrey’s basic philosophies of having a sense of self and personal style, a good attitude, living without regret and working hard were often publicized. Meanwhile, Audrey also began talking about “having a purpose” and “giving back.” Her desire to help others became apparent. While many fans just wanted fashion advice, she was more focused on sharing deep and inspirational thoughts, or informing society about the terrible conditions that children in Africa were forced to live in.

Growing up without a father, living through the Nazi invasion, and dealing with the demands of fame, all contributed to her dedicated work ethic and personal outlook. Marked by challenges, her young life taught her many things about hope, commitment, and serving others in a pure and selfless way.

Audrey Hepburn was more than just a Hollywood star, she was an inspiration who lived her life in the most meaningful way.

She is fondly remembered saying, “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness, and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone” (Keough 163). These are the words of a true hero.

"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." ~ Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You Are My Greatest Valentine Gift

Day by day
Year by Year
And I start realizing the greatest Valentine's gift is not about the flowers or diamond ring

To found someone who truly love you
To found someone who willing to spend their whole life with you
He will be the best Valentine's that I ever received

Finally understand the statement of
"Everyday is my Valentine's if we found the right person to fall in love with... "

and yes...
My greatest Valentine's gift is you. <3

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Social Media Is Not A Diary

'Guess she's better than me... plus my cat just died and I'm eating dinner alone, again. FML"

You've seen these status messages before and you think one thing:" Ugh. Too much information."

Remember. Social media is not a diary.

We concede, the rise of social media in our lives in recent years has brought about plenty of good. You can congratulate distant friends on their life accomplishments and milestones in seconds. You can't knock that.

But social media has also brought about a swell of oversharing or what we like to call "bleeding in Twitter (or Facebook)." Unless you've spent the last five years avoiding the Internet, you know what we're saying.

You see the status messages every day, the passive-aggressive updates that no one is supposed to understand but everyone does to some degree because the three before supply you with viable context clues.

Hell, most of us are guilty of this to some degree. It's easy to forget that the thoughts you share on a social network are available to hundreds of your "friends' or followers to dissect. It;s a lot easier to type our feelings than verbalize them.

But here's the best advice we can possibly give in relation to social networks and dating: Anytime you want to overshare in regard to your dating life, pretend that you have three Who Wants To Be A Millionaire lifelines. It's best that you phone a friend. The 50/50 might get you out of trouble, but avoid it, too. Never ask the audience. Nothing good can come of it. And you know what? Your friends don't want to hear it. It's uncomfortable.

Here are five sample statuses you should not share on Facebook in relation to your relationships , romantic or otherwise:

1. "Just went from 'divorced' to 'single'. Guess I wasn't the best husband. Hope to learn from my mistakes."
What are you thinking of? This is not the type of thing you announce on social media. What are we supposed to say? Are we supposed to "Like" this? What comments are you looking for? We hope you remember that all your friends/followers - including co-workers - will be gossiping about you immediately. Maybe even approaching you to see if you're okay. You're purposely begging for attention, aren't you?
2. "Not sure why we stopped being close. Missing you and crying."
Pathetic. If you really want to get your message across to one person (and you really shouldn't have to beg), just send a text or call them.

3. "Cheaters never win. That's why I just smashed his flat screen."
Psycho! The first thing everyone will think: Sorry you got cheated on but the fallout is between you and your significant other.

4. "Wife and I just had a fight about her communicating with her college boyfriend. I say it's not cool. Am I right?"
Discussing your relationship issues with you most trusted confidants is okay. But I doubt you have hundreds of confidants, If you're having issues and you need to vent, talk to a good friend. But keep the details away from the masses.

5. "In a relationship". "single". "In an open relationship".
If you're changing your relationship status every other week, it says something about you. You're probably unstable, or at least that's what most of you Facebook friends think. Unless you're engaged, it would probably be best just to leave it off.

Private things should stay private. Get a journal, call a friend or go to therapy, but please stay away from the Internet. Your social network will thank you. - The Kansas City Star/McClatchy-Tribune Information.

By Pamela E.Spencer

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It Doesn't Matter

There's definitely someone in your life will not care about your feeling...


Take a deep breath...

My life is in my hand...

and it belongs to me...

The most important is...


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy Birthday To Myself

Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate my blessing now,
as my birthday nears.

Think about the memories,
Passing years can never mar,
Experience great and small,
That have made me who I am.

I count blessing everyday,
Another year is a happy gift,
Here am I saying to myself,
"Happy Birthday!!! =)"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life Is Full Of Blessing

This life is full of blessing

You have offered more
I have a lovely dwelling
And family I adore

This life is full of blessing
Delicious foods to eat
Trees and flowers growing
Their beauty is so sweet

This life is full of blessing
More than I really need
Love and peace abounding
It’s time to plant a seed

This life is full of blessing
Enough for me to share
With those who have nothing
To let them know You care

This life is full of blessing
Freedom in Your grace
My soul is ever soaring
I wait to see Your face

This life is full of blessing
To You I give my praise
For the gift of life everlasting
I’ll savor endless days

Eternal life is the best blessing
To dwell with You on high
With all the saints worshiping
As Your feast draws nigh

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Lion Dance

This year, my uncle decided celebrating Chinese New year with Lion Dance, a traditional art form the incorporates physical training commonly associated with martial arts and ascetic expressions.

The lion performances the "Picking the greens" 菜青 to usher an auspicious new year. The lion during such performances are also associated with Nian, the mythical creature who is frightened away with firecrackers and red color during the Chinese New year.

According to Chinese lore, hundreds of years ago, a Chinese village was under constant threat by local bandits, who dressed up as demons to scare away villagers. Te marauders then took the townspeople's food and valuables. To defend themselves, the villagers concocted their own creatures - dragons and lions - out of papier-mache. The villagers banged their pots and pans as their colorful creations swayed, scaring away looters and evil spirits. Thus the lion dance was born.

Subsequent generations adopted the lion dance as traditional part of the Chinese New Year celebration, as well as festivals and other special occasion. The lion dance is believed to bring peace and good fortune.

Look at my grandma, she is so excited about seeing the lion dance yet so afraid of the loud drum and gong sounds!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Die With No Regrets

After reading an article recommended by Danny which is named “The Top 5 Regrets people have on their deathbed” and it really makes me think a lot about my life.

The Top Five Regrets of The Dying:

  1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
  3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my feelings.
  5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

“People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

This is surprisingly common one. Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of changes had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content.

When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.” ~ Bronnie Ware.

Sometimes, the realistic of life is really confusing almost everyone. We work hard to earn more money, to get a better car, better house, and better lifestyle. You thought you have everything you want and you wish, however, there’s something you will never realize until the day you are dying…

I’m trying to recall back the ‘me’ when was 17 years old, a girl with lot of dreams and passions towards her life. It is very important to try and honor at least some of my dreams along the way. I fought so hard to get myself a chance to study Fashion Design but I know I have never put more then 60% effort into it yet. Sometimes, I do feel shame on me. God gives me a pair of talented hands to draw, to sew and play piano but I never fully utilized it.

It's time to find back my dreams and do something for it. I don’t want to end up my life with full of regrets. I do remind myself, life is so short and it has no repeat. If there’s a single chance for me, I would try everything that I want in my life before I die. It’s always easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled when life is almost over due to the choices they had made or not made and I know that it’s always too late from the moment that we start losing our health.

"Life is a choice.

It is YOUR life.

Choose consciously.

Choose wisely.

Choose honestly.

Choose happiness."

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Resolution of 2012

Happy New Year to everyone...

Time passed so fast as it's already 2012. Reviewing on what I had done for myself on the previous year, so far so good. I managed to get myself a car, further improve myself in different sector beside fashion designing and drawing. Start letting myself getting involved into sales and customer service so that I can improve my communication and negotiate skill as I really very poor into it.

I know it's not the best yet to me as I really haven't try my 'super best' to achieve all the goals that I set for myself but yet... 2011 was still a wonderful year to me. I'm still a clumsy girl as every one knows but feeling grateful to those who had helped me a lots during 2011. Without them, my 2011 is not going to be so wonderful and amazing as I wish.

I have a Resolution of 2012 for myself before the new year starts, three things that I wish I can achieve within 2012:

1. Quit smoking!!!
2. Get myself a property!!!
3. Start promoting my own design creations!!!

I guess that's might be too much confidence but I think I am going to get what I want and nothing is going to stop me now! That's decided. I will try to fight whatever comes my way!

"When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself."

Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief